Today the database was updated to version 241 (2024-1). In addition to corrections, the data update includes an expansion of the corpus with the following publications:
- Davies, Graham I. (2004): Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions. Corpus and Concordance. Volume 2, Cambridge. (AHI II)
- Keel, Othmar (1995-2017): Corpus der Stempelsiegel-Amulette aus Palästina/Israel. Von den Anfängen bis zur Perserzeit. 5 Bände, Freiburg (Schweiz), Göttingen. (CSAPI I-V)
- Klingbeil, Martin G. et al. (2019): Four Judean Bullae from the 2014 Season at Tel Lachish. In: BASOR 381, S. 41–56.
- Lipschits, Oded (2011): The Ivory Seal of šlm (Son of) klkl, Discovered at Ramat Raḥel. In: IEJ 61/2, S. 162–170.
- Mendel-Geberovich, Anat et al. (2019): A Newly Discovered Personal Seal and Bulla from the Excavations of the GivꜤati Parking Lot, Jerusalem. In: IEJ 69/2, S. 154–174.
- Mendel-Geberovich, Anat; Golub, Mitka R. (2019): The Tel ʿEton Bulla: A Revised Reading and Some Onomastic Remarks. In: Sem. 61, S. 49–57.
- Meshel, Ze’ev (2012): Kuntillet ʿAjrud (Ḥorvat Teman). An Iron Age II Religious Site on the Judah-Sinai Border, Jerusalem. (KAHT)
- Reich, Ronny; Sass, Benjamin (2006): Three Hebrew Seals from the Iron Age Tombs at Mamillah, Jerusalem. In: Yairah Amit et al. (Hg.): Essays on Ancient Israel in Its Near Eastern Context. A Tribute to Nadav Naʾaman, Winona Lake, Ind., S. 313–320.
- Sass, Benjamin (2008): A Hebrew Seal from Bet Shemesh and Another of Unknown Provenance in the Israel Antiquities Authority Collection. In: Atiqot 59, S. 1–4.
- Shoham, Yair (2000): Hebrew Bullae. In: Qedem 41, S. 29–57.
- Shoham, Yair (2000): A Hebrew Seal and Seal Impressions. In: Qedem 41, S. 81–84.
- Vainstub, Daniel; Ben-Shlomo, David (2016): A Hebrew Seal and an Ostracon from Tel Hebron. In: IEJ 66/2, S. 151–160.